Nasal breathing helps cure various diseases, including rhinitis and sinusitis, while enhancing eye health and improving ear health by alleviating tinnitus and otitis media. Dr. Choi explains that nasal breathing cools the head and eyes through the eight sinuses before reaching the lungs, acting as a brain heat-regulating mechanism. Proper nasal breathing can prevent and treat many conditions, ensuring the eyes, ears, and brain function well. Learn more about the content.
Even at over 80, some people maintain quick speech and a rich vocabulary. By "cleaning, tightening, and oiling" your brain, you can delay aging and stay sharp.
Around 70, language abilities start to decline, but judgment and information processing can last until 80 if healthy. Brain blood flow reduces by 20% at 70 due to arteriosclerosis, which can be worsened by smoking, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, leading to dementia. Learn more about the content.
Keeping your senses engaged benefits the brain. Enjoy visually pleasing sights, sounds, and tastes to stimulate your brain. Maintain curiosity, observe changes in your environment, and engage in mentally stimulating activities like reading, puzzles, and social interactions to keep the brain active. Learn more about the content.
Source: Kim Kwang-jun, Professor of Geriatrics, Yonsei University Severance Hospital
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